Our History
Madeline Hunter and Coach John Wooden
Teachers have the hardest job in America. Among all the tasks that we juggle, two are paramount: curriculum and discipline. Neither is more important, nor can one be effective without the other. We give you the solution to effective classroom discipline so that you can have more time to teach!
Time, it has been said, is the coin of learning. Yet every teacher has known the frustration of losing valuable instructional time to matters of discipline, just as every student has known the frustration of losing valuable learning time to matters of discipline. For some teachers and for some students, the amount of time lost is very great.
Our classroom management professional development was originally influenced over 40 years ago with the help and guidance of Dr. Madeline Hunter and John Wooden, both of UCLA. (Yes, that’s right, Coach Wooden!)
Our company continues the work of Wooden and Hunter in collaboration with leading educators, researchers, and master teachers all around the United States.
We are rapidly becoming the leading provider of teacher education, training, and staff development in the United States and Canada. Our focus is redefining teaching and learning in schools and providing highly useful professional teacher staff development. For the last decade, we have been producing and sponsoring high-quality, in-depth training programs especially designed for K-12 education professionals.
Our program is proven in practice, presented by outstanding experts in the subject matter. It is based in research, practical, and easy to implement.
At our classroom management professional development sessions, you will learn how to eliminate repeated warnings and multiple requests in a positive fashion, be proactive rather than reactive, avoid power struggles, use powerful prompting techniques, and learn classroom arrangements for maximum achievement. Let us help you implement these strategies into your classroom tomorrow!
Our seminars are highly useful and very entertaining. After all of that, our seminar participants leave with a comprehensive Resource Manual filled with teacher lesson plans, ideas, and easy-to-implement strategies! Finally, our training is not only effective, it is also a chance to interact, network, and have fun with other teaching professionals. It is guaranteed to be the best professional development experience that you will have in your career.
Our outstanding program is designed for any grade level and student profile. Our sensible, respectful, and powerful program will forever improve your classroom and give you more time to teach.
“Unbelievable! This is the most entertaining speaker I have ever heard! Five blue stars! He taught our teachers how to restore civility in their classrooms, gave us tons of useful and practical tips, and was funny and entertaining! I think he should call his keynote ‘Tools for Tomorrow, not just Theory for Thought,’ because his talk was riddled with tools and techniques that our teachers use on a daily basis.”
Darrel Rudd, President National Association of Elementary School Principals
“From the first minute on of listening, we were all hooked. You can tell he has spent many, many years in classrooms. He walks the walk, and talks the talk. We liked him so much we had him train in ALL of our schools.”
Rick Dutton, Director of Education – Denver Public Schools
“It is one thing to be a highly talented speaker, but quite another to be a superb human being. This trainer is such a person. She delivers a message filled with hope, strategies, and entertainment. Whether the conference is about reading, writing, or arithmetic, she provides the tools necessary for the teacher to shine in their particular setting. She is the best.”
TerraBeth Jochems, Teacher and Education Conference Organizer Cherish the Children Through Literacy and Learning