Educator Testimonials

Our Classroom Management Professional Development: More Than Just a Program

“Absolutely fantastic! I cannot wait to start with these amazing strategies in my own classroom. The most powerful, yet common-sense approach to classroom management I’ve ever learned.”

Eric Combs, Ohio Teacher Of The Year

“This professional development provided an awesome, step-by-step and easy-to-follow, uplifting, DOABLE set of classroom management strategies. I have been given hope, guidance, and a newfound energy!”

Rhonda Hicks, Director – Upward Bound

“These strategies are absolutely the best, most teacher-friendly, student-caring discipline strategies I have encountered in 40 years of teaching! This was the most gratifying professional opportunity of my teaching career! He was the BEST presenter I have had the pleasure to learn from.”

Pam Smith, Principal

“It was the first in-service in 10 years that made sense to me. It made me view discipline differently. It made me enthusiastic about teaching. I was impressed by our presenter’s down-to-earth attitude and personable demeanor. Thank you!”

Tina Kasper, Middle School Teacher

“Outstanding job of explaining how student behavior can be handled. Dignity, respect, and high expectations were all excellent points of emphasis. I can’t wait to give these strategies a try.”

Karen Wiler, HS Resource Room Coordinator

“Hands down the best training I have attended in my 35 years in education. Truly useful strategies that should make a difference.”

Burt Smielgski, 4th Grade Teacher

“It’s nice to have an in-service that keeps our attention as well as provides useful information. I will actually leave here having learned something that can be applied immediately! Thank you, thank you, and thank you.”

Linda Charoste, 10th Grade Language Arts

“I am going to use this with our probationary teachers immediately. This is exactly what new teachers need to be successful in the classroom and to have a long, satisfying career.”

Ted Hendershot, Teachers Union Representative

“The presenter was entertaining, but most of all, they were REAL! A REAL educator, presenting REAL strategies that make a REAL difference with students. If all educators could spend a day with them, schools would be much better off.”

Carrie Williams, Principal-K thru 8th Grades

“She brought an energy that we needed! I’m glad she shared these techniques with our staff… our teachers are eager to begin.”

Tonia Turner, Principal

“WOW… where were you 22 years ago!… I wish I had this when I had started!”

Jessica Flint, Teacher

“The training was much more than I expected. She was full of energy and presented the material in a manner that even kept MY attention. I am looking forward to using everything I learned! Watch out students… a “new” teacher is in town.”

Tawana Johnson, Teacher

“Thank you for coming to our school. The strategies taught have brought a calmness to our school I haven’t seen in years!”

Robert Newl, Principal